Friday, July 25, 2008

general updatiness

so, it's been a while. here's the general round up.

i went full-time again at the new old job. my first official day was last monday. so it's been two weeks now. it's going all right. feeling appreciated, generally liking everyone, blah blah blah. so yeah.

found a new place. actually, it's in the apartment complex right next to mine. and it's the apartment adjacent to mine. i look from my bedroom window into the new apartment's bedroom window. the current tenent has to be out the same day i'm set to move in. it'll be ... interesting, to say the least. but it's bigger, and the only bill i have to pay for is my electricity. and it has a gas stove and a washer and dryer.

went on a date on wednesday. it went all right. the guy is maybe too nice. but i felt like i had to hold up way too much of the conversation. and like i had to make every decision during the date. and, you know, i do that enough at work. i'll give him another date, but don't really see it going past that.

estelle getty died. thank her for having been a friend.

um, i think that covers the gist of it. more later. probably.

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