Tuesday, December 16, 2008

vacation, day 2: stimulating the economy

so i had high hopes of going to fry's today to pick up season one of mad men. only, well, i didn't want to drive all the way to fry's. so i went to the best buy by my place instead. no mad men.

instead of going anywhere else to look for it, i came home, got on amazon, and bought it there for less than $30. and while i was there, picked up season two of 30 rock and seasons one and three of how i met your mother.

and while i was at it, bought two pairs of converse (navy high-tops and red low-tops) from converse.com. and filled in some blanks in my comics collection on eBay. and bought five shirts at threadless.

sad thing is, i'm probably gonna go to i heart video to pick up the second disc of season one of mad men, because i'm wanting a bit of instant gratification there.


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