Sunday, February 15, 2009


for the past couple of months at work, we've been trying to go paperless. our lead project manager has been working with several people to get estimates on software and other such to present to the big cheese to show him that hey, we'd be saving sooooooo much money if we went nearly paperless. (yes, we discovered that we can't go completely paperless, but pretty near to 95% paperless, which is better than nothing.)

so going paperless has been on the top of my head for a while now. last week, i had to switch auto insurance providers pretty quickly. (long story i'd rather not get into online.) i got all of my estimates online, found the best with progressive, and bought my new policy online. when i was going through the buying process, they had an option to go paperless, with a discount to your premium. i went with it.

then tonight, when i was paying my cell phone, electricity, and gas bills online, i signed up for electronic bills. and found myself thinking how i hadn't done this already. i've been paying most of my bills online, anyway.

blah. so now the only bill i have left to sign up for the paperless option is my student loan, and i'll do that when i get my next bill. which will just leave my rent as my only non-paperless option. i guess that's all good and such.

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