Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the first thing i heard at work today

as i walked in the door at 8:30-ish in the ante meridiem, our interactive director, getting coffee, says, "i was wearing that exact morrissey shirt when i first met my wife."

i knew there was a reason i liked the guy. which means i'll probably like his wife (and kids).

later on in the day, he said, "right now, i just think the client wants to shit this e-mail out." and i said, "my ears! i'm offended. i'm telling [our h.r. lady]!" everyone in his office laughed out loud and he said, between laughs, "you've said worse than that!"

it's true. i have. did you read my last post?

so ... yeah. the new old job is going all right. i've gotten over all the initial awkwardness and actually feel like i fit in again. i think it's mostly from all the praise and recognition of my hard work. maybe too hard work. i worked 14-hour days monday and tuesday, and 10 hours today. most of monday was done doing HTML production, something i'm not there to do, because we were extremely short handed with two people out in interactive, and, well, work needed to be done. but now it seems like, if i do go full time (which i'm surprised the h.r. lady hasn't had "the talk" with me about yet), like i may have to give up the proofing side, because project/traffic management has essentially taken up all my time. but, you know, me = control freak. if i do give up the proofing/editing side, i'm going to need to be involved in the hiring process, and we can't just hire the first ass that applies. unless they're uber-qualified, but that wasn't the case with my last replacement.


i'm mising my delivery job. well, not the job itself, but the people. and the easy access to pot.

ok, i think that's all, really, for an update right now. need to eat. or, beer. hard decision.

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