Sunday, March 22, 2009

i got nothin'

not a whole lot to report on this end of the interactive spectrum. since i last posted, well, work's been the same. meeting. meeting. meeting. work work work until 8 pm. meeting. repeat. i did, however, take friday off, and instead of doing anything sxsw related, i woke up at noon, got my car inspected, stayed in the whole day, then went to barflys solo around 10 and didn't stay long.

saturday i did a little sxsw-ing. went to a jewish record label showcase (mostly for the free bagels and lox and beer). then walked over to waterloo park where i just wanted to go home because i didn't know what was going on. then went home for a bit for a shower and wardrobe change, then on to the perez hilton party, which was ... interesting. the fact that one of the first things i noticed once in line was a guy i went on a couple of dates with a couple of years ago who i grew to hate in the course of two dates was also in line. then inside, spotted two other similar guys. my own fault for going somewhere gays would be at. go fig. the rest of the night was fun, until it came to a weird ending that i will not mention.

it was fun and all, but i feel a bit in my annual "funk". i've been doing good to try and not be in it, but lately i'm just feeling depressed and repressed and existential, and all i want to do is drink by myself, cry, and be by myself.

and that's what i've been doing when i haven't been forcing myself to be social for sanity's sake. i haven't returned any personal e-mails, calls or texts. i do have the excuse of actually being busy at work to use as an excuse, but it's a crummy excuse. so if you're out there and reading this and i haven't returned your call, e-mail or text, sorry. i'm a horrible human being that's going through his annual bout with depressioniness, which ultimately leads to having less friends and blah blah blah because i'm a self-absorbed asshole and all that nonsense.


in other news, the battlestar galactica series finale was wonderful and made me cry in several instances, and i felt like it was a great ending to the series and i couldn't have seen it ending any other way. and sadly, i have not seen this week's episode of 30 rock, which i plan to clarify before i go to sleep tonight. and for the second week in a row, i haven't gotten to the comic book store until the weekend, resulting in me missing out on a couple of books that i now have to order online. this wouldn't happen if i took advantage of my comic book store's "pull list" service, but ... i can't do it. part of the experience for me is going in there every week and grabbing that week's books myself, along with any thing else that may grab my interest (including oggling any cute guys in there, particularly the cute, tatted clerk). i can't bring myself to change that. it's the same reason i'll never subscribe to netflix or any similar service because i enjoy the tactileness of going to i heart video or vulcan. damn me and my ancient, untechnological ways.

and that brings tonight's post to an end. see you in another month or so, unless i have something relevant to say. (doubt it.)

1 comment:

deconstructionist said...

I know your funks. And I know better than to give up. :)