Sunday, June 29, 2008

"he has his father's eyes"

growing up, it was kind of a running joke in my family that i was rosemary's baby. mostly because my mom's name is rosemary, and i am the baby of the family. it made more sense when i hit adolescence and became a hellion.

anyway. i can't remember if i ever saw rosemary's baby as a kid. i was aware, however, that rosemary's baby was, in fact, a satanspawn. when i got a little older, it really made me wonder why my parent's would associate me with such since i was pretty much a calm, non-aggressive child. but hey, it does lend some credence to my sense of humor, eh?

when i did finally watch rosemary's baby in high school, it made me wonder more about my association with the title character. and it furthered my own personal opinion that all elderly neighbors are secretly evil. (i'm looking at you, mrs. gannon, and the casareses, as well.) but i think i ended up thinking more about having sex with john cassavetes. and it also made me leery of smoothies.

it's still one of my favorite movies, though.

i went to see it at the paramount tonight, and it was good right from the beginning, mostly because as i was in line and about to buy a ticket, a nice couple came up to me and gave me a free ticket. maybe it was that initial kindness, or maybe it was being able to see the flick on the big screen in an actual theater, but when i walked out, i was grinning and happy. probably not a usual reaction to a horror movie.

anyway. that's all. and don't call me adrian.


Anonymous said...

We, your readers, your fans, miss you, and are eagerly awaiting your next post.

Anonymous said...

so what else did you get from your father?